Certificate in Computer Application is a diploma level course. It is structured to help the candidates to perform specific tasks. It may be provide on part-time basis by various institutes. It is a big academic area encompassing information science, information technology, algorithms, human-computer interaction, and social science. It is career orienting in nature and provides many job career for the graduate candidates after its successful completion.


  • Candidate can have occupations in territories like Global investigation and Marketing, production, Supply and exchanging, Refining and assembling, Shipping and transportation and Security the executives. 
  • In the wake of passing the degree in computer applications they can have employments in India as well as in remote nations; as there are numerous worldwide organizations which maintaining a business both in their local nation and outside it.


The base capability required for induction into this course is passed in 12th standard/identical assessment, with at any rate 55 percent in any subjects. The state loads up of specialized instruction of the vast majority of the states in India direct passageway tests for admission to the confirmation programs offered by different polytechnics in the state.